April 2013 - Completion
Wiring glow plug regulator and final assembly

Glow plug connector soldered up to the harness.
Now it’s time to lay the cables.

Assembling an extra massive engine mount.
Sits and fits perfectly

Final wiring and laying of meters of cable ...

Final assembly on the test bench.

Wiring on the test bench and placing the glow plug regulator as well as the HS tank system

Specially made Hölzl glow plugs for 18 cylinders
2x StarGlow 9 with programmable lowerable glow curve – via remote control

Connecting harness engine and Hölzl glow plug regulator with golden contact plug

Finished laying, connected and tested. A beautiful unit.
A beautiful unit.

The finished engine with mounted Seidel Prop 49x30´´ four-bladed Scale
There’s nothing to stop the test run!

The finished engine was presented to a thrilled audience for the first time in all his glory and in action at the radial engine meeting in 2013. You can view some pictures in our GALLERY.